autoplot {ggbio}R Documentation

Generic autoplot function


autoplot is a generic function to visualize various data object, it tries to give better default graphics and customized choices for each data type, quick and convenient to explore your genomic data compare to low level ggplot method, it is much simpler and easy to produce fairly complicate graphics, though you may lose some flexibility for each layer.


## S4 method for signature 'GRanges'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, truncate.gaps = FALSE,
        = NULL, ratio = 0.0025, space.skip = 0.1,
                 legend = TRUE, geom = NULL, stat = NULL, coord =
                 c("default", "genome", "truncate_gaps"), layout =
                 c("linear", "karyogram", "circle"))

## S4 method for signature 'GRangesList'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, indName = "grl_name",
                 geom = NULL, stat = NULL, type = c("none", "sashimi"),
                 coverage.col = "gray50", coverage.fill = coverage.col,
                 group.selfish = FALSE, arch.offset = 1.3)

## S4 method for signature 'IRanges'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main)

## S4 method for signature 'Seqinfo'
autoplot(object, single.ideo = TRUE, ... )

## S4 method for signature 'GappedAlignments'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, which,
      geom = NULL, stat = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'BamFile'
autoplot(object, ..., which, xlab, ylab, main,
              bsgenome, geom = "line", stat = "coverage",
              method = c("estimate", "raw"),
              coord = c("linear", "genome"), resize.extra = 10,
              space.skip = 0.1, show.coverage = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, which, asRangedData = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'TranscriptDb'
autoplot(object, which, ..., xlab, ylab, main, truncate.gaps =
                 FALSE, = NULL, ratio = 0.0025, geom =
                 c("alignment"), stat = c("identity", "reduce"),
                 names.expr = "tx_name(gene_id)")

## S4 method for signature 'BSgenome'
autoplot(object, which, ...,
                    xlab, ylab, main, geom = c("text",
                   "segment", "point", "rect"))

## S4 method for signature 'Rle'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, binwidth, nbin = 30,
          geom = NULL, stat = c("bin", "identity", "slice"),
          type = c("viewSums", "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))

## S4 method for signature 'RleList'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, nbin = 30, binwidth,
         facetByRow = TRUE, stat = c("bin", "identity", "slice"),
         geom = NULL, type = c("viewSums", "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
autoplot(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
              geom = c("tile", "raster"), axis.text.angle = NULL,
              hjust = 0.5, na.value = NULL,
              rownames.label = TRUE, colnames.label = TRUE,
              axis.text.x = TRUE, axis.text.y = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSet'
autoplot(object, ..., type = c("heatmap", "none",
                 "scatterplot.matrix", "pcp", "MA", "boxplot",
                 "mean-sd", "volcano", "NUSE", "RLE"), test.method =
                 "t", rotate = FALSE, pheno.plot = FALSE, main_to_pheno
                 = 4.5, padding = 0.2)

## S4 method for signature 'SummarizedExperiment'
autoplot(object, ..., type = c("heatmap", "link", "pcp",
                 "boxplot", "scatterplot.matrix"), pheno.plot = FALSE,
                 main_to_pheno = 4.5, padding = 0.2, = 1)

## S4 method for signature 'VCF'
autoplot(object, ...,
              xlab, ylab, main,
              type = c("geno", "info", "fixed"),
              full.string = FALSE,
     = TRUE,
              genome.axis = TRUE,
              transpose = TRUE)



object to be plot.


logical value, defaut TRUE, always make features from VCF as x, so we can use it to map to genomic position.


axis text angle.


logical value indicates whether to show x axis and labels or not.


logical value indicates whether to show y axis and labels or not.


horizontal just for axis text.


logical value indicates whether to show rownames of matrix as y label or not.


logical value indicates whether to show colnames of matrix as y label or not.


color for NA value.


show pheno plot or not.


main matrix plot width to pheno plot width ratio.


padding between plots.

index for assay you are going to use.


Geom to use (Single character for now). Please see section Geometry for details.


logical value indicate to truncate gaps or not.

shrinkage function. Please see shrinkagefun in package biovizBase.


used in maxGap.


space ratio between chromosome spaces in coordate genome.


Coodinate system.


A logical value indicates whether to show legend or not. Default is TRUE


A GRanges object to subset the result, usually passed to the ScanBamParam function.


A logical value indicates whether to show coverage or not. This is used for geom "mismatch.summary".


A numeric value used to add buffer to intervals to compute stepping levels on.


A BSgenome object. Only need for geom "mismatch.summary".


x label.


y label.


A logical value, default is TRUE ,facet RleList by row. If FALSE, facet by column.


For Rle/RleList, "raw" plot everything, so be careful, that would be pretty slow if you have too much data. For "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans", "viewSums", require extra arguments to slice the object. so users need to at least provide lower, more details and control please refer the the manual of slice function in IRanges. For "viewMins", "viewMaxs", we use viewWhichMin and viewWhichMax to get x scale, for "viewMeans", "viewSums", we use window midpoint as x.

For ExpreesionSet, ploting types.


Layout including linear, circular and karyogram. for GenomicRangesList, it only supports circular layout.


method used for parsing coverage from bam files. 'estimate' use fast esitmated method and 'raw' use relatively slow parsing method.


when object is character, it may be imported by import function in package rtracklayer, then asRangedData passed to import function. If FALSE, coerce object to GRanges.


test method


Extra parameters. Usually are those parameters used in autoplot to control aesthetics or geometries.




statistical transformation.


When coerce GRangesList to GRanges, names created for each group.


coverage stroke color.


coverage fill color.


Passed to addStepping, control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE, if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space.




names expression used for creating labels.


width of the bins.


number of bins.


logical value, if TRUE, whenever possible, try to parse genomic postition for each column(e.g. SummarizedExperiment), show column as exatcly the genomic position instead of showing them side by side and indexed from 1.


logical value. If TRUE, show full string of indels in plot for VCF.

logical value. If TRUE, show REF in VCF at bottom track.


for object 'Seqinfo', if length of object is 1, then this control whether to use plotSingleChrom or layout_karyogram.


A ggplot object, so you can use common features from ggplot2 package to manipulate the plot.


autoplot is redefined as generic s4 method inside this package, user could use autoplot in the way they are familiar with, and we are also setting limitation inside this package, like


We have developed new geom for different objects, some of them may require extra parameters you need to provide. Some of the geom are more like geom + stat in ggplot2 package. e.g. "coverage.line" and "coverage.polygon".We simply combine them together, but in the future, we plan to make it more general.

This package is designed for only biological data, especially genomic data if users want to explore the data in a more flexible way, you could simply coerce the GRanges to a data.frame, then just use formal autoplot function in ggplot2, or autoplot generic for data.frame.

Some objects share the same geom so we introduce all the geom together in this section


Showing all the intervals as stepped rectangle, colored by strand automatically.

For TranscripDb object, showing full model.


Showing all the intervals as stepped segments, colored by strand automatically.

For object BSgenome, show nucleotides as colored segment.

For Rle/RleList, show histogram-like segments.


Showing interval as line, the interval data could also be just single position when start = end, x is one of start/end/midpoint, y value is unquoted name in elementMetadata column names. y value is required.


Showing interval as point, the interval data could also be just single position when start = end, x is one of start/end/midpoint, y value is unquoted name in elementMetadata column names. y value is required.

For object BSgenome, show nucleotides as colored point.


Coverage showing as lines for interval data.


Coverage showing as polygon for interval data.


Splicing summary. The size and width of the line and rectangle should represent the counts in each model. Need to provide model.


For TranscripDb object, showing single(reduced) model only.


For TranscripDb object, showing transcirpts isoforms.


Showing color coded mismatched stacked bar to indicate the proportion of mismatching at each position, the reference is set to gray.


For object BSgenome, show nucleotides as colored text.


For object BSgenome, show nucleotides as colored rectangle.


Faceting in ggbio package is a little differnt from ggplot2 in several ways


Tengfei Yin


### R code from vignette source 'autoplot.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: load
### code chunk number 2: simul
N <- 1000
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = 
              sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
                     size = N, replace = TRUE),
                      start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
                      width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
              strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N, 
                replace = TRUE),
              value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
              sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"), 
                size = N, replace = TRUE),
              pair = sample(letters, size = N, 
                replace = TRUE))
idx <- sample(1:length(gr), size = 50)
### code chunk number 3: default

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 4: bar-default-pre
gr.b <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
                  width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
                score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b2 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr2", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
                  width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
                score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b <- c(gr.b, gr.b2)
## Warning: Each of the 2 combined objects has sequence levels not in the
## other: - in 'x': chr1 - in 'y': chr2 Make sure to always combine/compare
## objects based on the same reference genome (use suppressWarnings() to
## suppress this warning).
## GRanges with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |            score            value
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |        <numeric>        <numeric>
##   [1]     chr1  [ 1,  5]      * | 15.1451949606498 96.3393990211189
##   [2]     chr1  [11, 18]      * | 11.3827486179676  90.327605466824
##   [3]     chr1  [21, 26]      * |  6.2048162961804 69.3798225638457
##   [4]     chr1  [31, 39]      * | 7.93944144431942 79.7512743510306
##   [5]     chr1  [41, 49]      * | 8.66301408970013   3.436754766386
##   [6]     chr1  [51, 54]      * | 13.6722453923184 48.3018011380918
##   ---
##   seqlengths:
##    chr1 chr2
##      NA   NA
### code chunk number 5: bar-default
p1 <- autoplot(gr.b, geom = "bar")
## use score as y by default
## use value to fill the bar
p2 <- autoplot(gr.b, geom = "bar", aes(fill = value))
## use score as y by default
tracks(default = p1, fill = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 6: autoplot.Rnw:236-237
autoplot(gr[idx], geom = "arch", aes(color = value), facets = sample ~ seqnames)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 7: gr-group
gra <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(1,7,20), end = c(4,9,30)), group = c("a", "a", "b"))
## if you desn't specify group, then group based on stepping levels, and gaps are computed without
## considering extra group method
p1 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group), geom = "alignment")
## when use group method, gaps only computed for grouped intervals.
## default is group.selfish = TRUE, each group keep one row.
## in this way, group labels could be shown as y axis.
p2 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group, group = group), geom = "alignment")
## group.selfish = FALSE, save space
p3 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group, group = group), geom = "alignment", group.selfish = FALSE)
tracks('non-group' = p1,'group.selfish = TRUE' = p2 , 'group.selfish = FALSE' = p3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 8: gr-facet-strand
autoplot(gr, stat = "coverage", geom = "area", 
         facets = strand ~ seqnames, aes(fill = strand))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 9: gr-autoplot-circle
autoplot(gr[idx], layout = 'circle') 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 10: gr-circle
seqlengths(gr) <- c(400, 500, 700)
values(gr)$ <- gr[sample(1:length(gr), size = length(gr))]
idx <- sample(1:length(gr), size = 50)
gr <- gr[idx]
ggplot() + layout_circle(gr, geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70", radius = 7, trackWidth = 3) +
  layout_circle(gr, geom = "bar", radius = 10, trackWidth = 4, 
                aes(fill = score, y = score)) +
  layout_circle(gr, geom = "point", color = "red", radius = 14,
                trackWidth = 3, grid = TRUE, aes(y = score)) +
  layout_circle(gr, geom = "link", = "", radius = 6, trackWidth = 1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 11: seqinfo-src
data(hg19Ideogram, package = "biovizBase")
sq <- seqinfo(hg19Ideogram)
## Seqinfo of length 93
## seqnames             seqlengths isCircular genome
## chr1                  249250621       <NA>   hg19
## chr1_gl000191_random     106433       <NA>   hg19
## chr1_gl000192_random     547496       <NA>   hg19
## chr2                  243199373       <NA>   hg19
## chr3                  198022430       <NA>   hg19
## chr4                  191154276       <NA>   hg19
## chr4_ctg9_hap1           590426       <NA>   hg19
## chr4_gl000193_random     189789       <NA>   hg19
## chr4_gl000194_random     191469       <NA>   hg19
## ...                         ...        ...    ...
## chrUn_gl000242            43523       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000243            43341       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000244            39929       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000245            36651       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000246            38154       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000247            36422       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000248            39786       <NA>   hg19
## chrUn_gl000249            38502       <NA>   hg19
## chrM                      16571       <NA>   hg19
### code chunk number 12: seqinfo
autoplot(sq[paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X"))])

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 13: ir-load
N <- 100
ir <-  IRanges(start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
               width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE))
## add meta data 
df <- DataFrame(value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
              sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"), 
                size = N, replace = TRUE),
              pair = sample(letters, size = N, 
                replace = TRUE))
values(ir) <- df
## IRanges of length 100
##       start end width
## [1]      80 152    73
## [2]     112 183    72
## [3]     172 242    71
## [4]     273 347    75
## [5]      61 133    73
## [6]     270 340    71
## [7]     284 353    70
## [8]     199 270    72
## [9]     189 263    75
## ...     ... ...   ...
## [92]     18  89    72
## [93]    193 262    70
## [94]    263 337    75
## [95]    234 304    71
## [96]    240 312    73
## [97]    137 206    70
## [98]    124 198    75
## [99]    244 314    71
## [100]   182 255    74
### code chunk number 14: ir-exp
p1 <- autoplot(ir)
p2 <- autoplot(ir, aes(fill = pair)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
p3 <- autoplot(ir, stat = "coverage", geom = "line", facets = sample ~. )
p4 <- autoplot(ir, stat = "reduce")
tracks(p1, p2, p3, p4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 15: grl-simul
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
##  simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = 
              sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
                     size = N, replace = TRUE),
                      start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
                      width = sample(30:40, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
              strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N, 
                replace = TRUE),
              value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
              sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"), 
                size = N, replace = TRUE),
              pair = sample(letters, size = N, 
                replace = TRUE))
grl <- split(gr, values(gr)$pair)
### code chunk number 16: grl-exp
## default gap.geom is 'chevron'
p1 <- autoplot(grl, group.selfish = TRUE)
p2 <- autoplot(grl, group.selfish = TRUE, main.geom = "arrowrect", gap.geom = "segment")
tracks(p1, p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 17: grl-name
autoplot(grl, aes(fill = ..grl_name..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## equal to 
## autoplot(grl, aes(fill = grl_name))
### code chunk number 18: rle-simul
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500), 
            seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
## @knitr create
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
## numeric-Rle of length 10000 with 823 runs
##   Lengths:  779    1  208    1 1599    1 ...    1    5    2    9    1 4507
##   Values :    0    1    0    1    0    1 ...    1    0    1    0    1    0
### code chunk number 19: rle-bin
p1 <- autoplot(xRle)
## Default use binwidth: range/30
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, nbin = 80)
## Default use binwidth: range/80
p3 <- autoplot(xRle, geom = "heatmap", nbin = 200)
## Default use binwidth: range/200
tracks('nbin = 30' = p1, "nbin = 80" = p2, "nbin = 200(heatmap)" = p3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 20: rle-id
p1 <- autoplot(xRle, stat = "identity")
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, stat = "identity", geom = "point", color = "red")
tracks('line' = p1, "point" = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 21: rle-slice
p1 <- autoplot(xRle, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5)
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
tracks('bar' = p1, "heatmap" = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 22: rlel-simul
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
## SimpleRleList of length 2
## [[1]]
## numeric-Rle of length 10000 with 823 runs
##   Lengths:  779    1  208    1 1599    1 ...    1    5    2    9    1 4507
##   Values :    0    1    0    1    0    1 ...    1    0    1    0    1    0
## [[2]]
## numeric-Rle of length 10000 with 823 runs
##   Lengths:  779    1  208    1 1599    1 ...    1    5    2    9    1 4507
##   Values :    0    2    0    2    0    2 ...    2    0    2    0    2    0
### code chunk number 23: rlel-bin
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList)
## Default use binwidth: range/30
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, nbin = 80)
## Default use binwidth: range/80
p3 <- autoplot(xRleList, geom = "heatmap", nbin = 200)
## Default use binwidth: range/200
tracks('nbin = 30' = p1, "nbin = 80" = p2, "nbin = 200(heatmap)" = p3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 24: rlel-id
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList, stat = "identity")
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, stat = "identity", geom = "point", color = "red")
tracks('line' = p1, "point" = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 25: rlel-slice
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5)
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
tracks('bar' = p1, "heatmap" = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 26: txdb
## Loading required package: GenomicFeatures
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
## Vignettes contain introductory material; view with 'browseVignettes()'. To
## cite Bioconductor, see 'citation("Biobase")', and for packages
## 'citation("pkgname")'.
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
### code chunk number 27: txdb-visual
p1 <- autoplot(txdb, which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], names.expr = "tx_name:::gene_id")
## Warning: 'function (data, ...)  standardGeneric("stat_gene")' is
## deprecated. Use 'geom_alignment' instead. See help("Deprecated")
## Aggregating TranscriptDb...
## Parsing exons...
## Parsing cds...
## Parsing transcripts...
## Aggregating...
## Done
## Constructing graphics...
p2 <- autoplot(txdb, which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], stat = "reduce", color = "brown", 
               fill = "brown")
## Warning: 'function (data, ...)  standardGeneric("stat_gene")' is
## deprecated. Use 'geom_alignment' instead. See help("Deprecated")
## Aggregating TranscriptDb...
## Parsing exons...
## Parsing cds...
## Parsing transcripts...
## Aggregating...
## Done
## Constructing graphics...
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(5, 1)) + ylab("")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 28: ga-load
## Loading required package: Biostrings
data("genesymbol", package = "biovizBase")
bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "SRR027894subRBM17.bam", package="biovizBase")
## need to set use.names = TRUE
ga <- readBamGappedAlignments(bamfile,
                              param = ScanBamParam(which = genesymbol["RBM17"]),
                              use.names = TRUE)
### code chunk number 29: ga-exp
p1 <- autoplot(ga)
p2 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "rect")
## extracting information...
p3 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "line", stat = "coverage")
## extracting information...
tracks(default = p1, rect = p2, coverage = p3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### code chunk number 30: bf-load (eval = FALSE)
## library(Rsamtools)
## bamfile <- "./wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeqK562R1x75dAlignsRep1V2.bam"
## bf <- BamFile(bamfile)
### code chunk number 31: bf-est-cov (eval = FALSE)
## autoplot(bamfile)
## autoplot(bamfile, which = c("chr1", "chr2"))
## autoplot(bf)
## autoplot(bf, which = c("chr1", "chr2"))
## data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
## autoplot(bamfile,  method = "raw", which = genesymbol["ALDOA"])
## library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
## autoplot(bf, stat = "mismatch", which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], bsgenome = Hsapiens)
### code chunk number 32: char-bam (eval = FALSE)
## bamfile <- "./wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeqK562R1x75dAlignsRep1V2.bam"
## autoplot(bamfile)
### code chunk number 33: char-gr
test_path <- system.file("tests", package = "rtracklayer")
test_bed <- file.path(test_path, "test.bed")
autoplot(test_bed, aes(fill = name))
## reading in
## use score as y by default

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###  matrix
volcano <- volcano[20:70, 20:60] - 150

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autoplot(volcano, xlab = "xlab", main = "main", ylab = "ylab")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## special scale theme for 0-centered values
autoplot(volcano, geom = "raster")+scale_fill_fold_change()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## when a matrix has colnames and rownames label them by default
colnames(volcano) <- sort(sample(1:300, size = ncol(volcano), replace = FALSE))
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

rownames(volcano) <- letters[sample(1:24, size = nrow(volcano), replace = TRUE)]
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## even with row/col names, you could also disable it and just use numeric index
autoplot(volcano, colnames.label = FALSE)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(volcano, rownames.label = FALSE, colnames.label = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## don't want the axis has label??
autoplot(volcano, axis.text.x = FALSE)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(volcano, axis.text.y = FALSE)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

# or totally remove axis
colnames(volcano) <- lapply(letters[sample(1:24, size = ncol(volcano),
replace = TRUE)],
   paste(rep(x, 7), collapse = "")
## Oops, overlapped
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## tweak with it.
autoplot(volcano, axis.text.angle =  -45, hjust = 0)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## when character is the value
x <- sample(c(letters[1:3], NA), size = 100, replace = TRUE)
mx <- matrix(x, nrow = 5)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## tile gives you a white margin
rownames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:5]
autoplot(mx, color = "white") 
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

colnames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:20]
autoplot(mx, color = "white")
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(mx, color = "white", size = 2)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## weird in aes(), though works
## default tile is flexible
autoplot(mx, aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6))
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(mx, aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6), na.value = "white")
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(mx,  aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6)) + theme_clear()
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### Views
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500), 
            seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- dnorm(1:5e3, mean = 1e3, sd = 200)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
v1 <- Views(xRle, start = sample(.4e3:.6e3, size = 50, replace = FALSE), width =1000)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

names(v1) <- letters[sample(1:24, size = length(v1), replace = TRUE)]
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(v1, geom = "tile", aes(width = 0.5, height = 0.5))
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(v1, geom = "line")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(v1, geom = "line", aes(color = row)) + theme(legend.position = "none")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(v1, geom = "line", facets = NULL)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(v1, geom = "line", facets = NULL, alpha  = 0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 500 features, 26 samples 
##   element names: exprs, se.exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: A B ... Z (26 total)
##   varLabels: sex type score
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation: hgu95av2
## select 50 features
idx <- sample(seq_len(dim(sample.ExpressionSet)[1]), size = 50)
eset <- sample.ExpressionSet[idx,]
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 50 features, 26 samples 
##   element names: exprs, se.exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: A B ... Z (26 total)
##   varLabels: sex type score
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation: hgu95av2
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## default heatmap
p1 <- autoplot(eset)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
p2 <- p1 + scale_fill_fold_change()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(eset, geom = "tile", color = "white", size = 2)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(eset, geom = "tile", aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6))
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(eset, pheno.plot = TRUE)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

idx <- order(pData(eset)[,1])
eset2 <- eset[,idx]
autoplot(eset2, pheno.plot = TRUE)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## parallel coordainte plot
autoplot(eset, type = "pcp")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## boxplot
autoplot(eset, type = "boxplot")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## scatterplot.matrix
## slow, be carefull
autoplot(eset[, 1:7], type = "scatterplot.matrix")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## mean-sd
autoplot(eset, type = "mean-sd")
## Loading required package: vsn

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## volcano
autoplot(eset, type = "volcano", fac = pData(sample.ExpressionSet)$type)
## Loading required package: genefilter
## genefilter::rowttests used

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### SummarizedExperiment
nrows <- 200; ncols <- 6
counts <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
counts2 <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
rowData <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(50, 150)),
                   IRanges(floor(runif(200, 1e5, 1e6)), width=100),
                   strand=sample(c("+", "-"), 200, TRUE))
colData <- DataFrame(Treatment=rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 3),
sset <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(counts=counts,
                                               counts2 = counts2),
                             rowData=rowData, colData=colData)
autoplot(sset) + scale_fill_fold_change()
## Assay index: 1 used
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

autoplot(sset, pheno.plot = TRUE)
## Assay index: 1 used
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### pcp
autoplot(sset, type = "pcp")
## Assay index: 1 used

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### boxplot
autoplot(sset, type = "boxplot")
## Assay index: 1 used

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### scatterplot matrix
autoplot(sset, type = "scatterplot.matrix")
## Assay index: 1 used

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### vcf
## Attaching package: 'VariantAnnotation'
## The following object(s) are masked from 'package:Biobase':
## samples
vcffile <- system.file("extdata", "chr22.vcf.gz", package="VariantAnnotation")
vcf <- readVcf(vcffile, "hg19")
## default use type 'geno'
## default use genome position
## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## use GT for type geno as default
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## or disable it
autoplot(vcf, genome.axis = FALSE)
## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## use GT for type geno as default
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## not transpose
autoplot(vcf, genome.axis = FALSE, transpose = FALSE, rownames.label = FALSE)
## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## use GT for type geno as default
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## use GT for type geno as default
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## use
autoplot(vcf, = "DS")
## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## equivalent to 
autoplot(vcf, = 2)
## GT,DS,GL could be used for 'geno' type
## Index: 744,3604,4738,7096,7287,10037,10198 snp with duplicated start
## position may be masked by each other
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## Not run: 
##D ## doesn't work when cannot find
##D autoplot(vcf, = "NO")
## End(Not run)
## use AF or first
autoplot(vcf, type = "info")
## use AF for type info as default
## Other options for potential mapping(only keep
## numeric/integer/character/factor variable):

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

## geom bar
autoplot(vcf, type = "info", aes(y  = THETA))
## Other options for potential mapping(only keep
## numeric/integer/character/factor variable):

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

autoplot(vcf, type = "info", aes(y  = THETA, fill = VT, color = VT)) 
## Other options for potential mapping(only keep
## numeric/integer/character/factor variable):

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", size = 10) + xlim(c(50310860, 50310890)) + ylim(0.75, 1.25)
## Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
## Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

p1 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed") + xlim(50310860, 50310890) 
p2 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", full.string = TRUE) + xlim(50310860, 50310890)
tracks("full.string = FALSE" = p1, "full.string = TRUE" = p2)+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL, limits = c(0, 3))
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

p3 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", = FALSE) + xlim(50310860, 50310890) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL, limits = c(0, 2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

### code chunk number 56: bs-v
## Loading required package: BSgenome
## Attaching package: 'BSgenome'
## The following object(s) are masked from 'package:AnnotationDbi':
## species
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
p1 <- autoplot(Hsapiens, which = resize(genesymbol["ALDOA"], width = 50))
p2 <- autoplot(Hsapiens, which = resize(genesymbol["ALDOA"], width = 50), geom = "rect")
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
tracks(text = p1, rect = p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

### code chunk number 57: sessionInfo
## R Under development (unstable) (2012-07-17 r59871)
## Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19_1.3.19     
##  [2] BSgenome_1.25.9                        
##  [3] VariantAnnotation_1.3.32               
##  [4] genefilter_1.39.0                      
##  [5] vsn_3.25.0                             
##  [6] rtracklayer_1.17.21                    
##  [7] Rsamtools_1.9.31                       
##  [8] Biostrings_2.25.12                     
##  [9] TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene_2.8.0
## [10] GenomicFeatures_1.9.44                 
## [11] AnnotationDbi_1.19.46                  
## [12] Biobase_2.17.8                         
## [13] GenomicRanges_1.9.66                   
## [14] IRanges_1.15.48                        
## [15] BiocGenerics_0.3.2                     
## [16] ggbio_1.5.20                           
## [17] ggplot2_0.9.2.1                        
## [18] knitr_0.8                              
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] affy_1.35.1           affyio_1.25.0         annotate_1.35.5      
##  [4] BiocInstaller_1.5.12  biomaRt_2.13.2        biovizBase_1.5.9     
##  [7] bitops_1.0-4.1        cluster_1.14.2        colorspace_1.1-1     
## [10] DBI_0.2-5             dichromat_1.2-4       digest_0.5.1         
## [13] evaluate_0.4.2        formatR_0.6           grid_2.16.0          
## [16] gridExtra_0.9.1       gtable_0.1.1          Hmisc_3.9-3          
## [19] labeling_0.1          lattice_0.20-6        limma_3.13.24        
## [22] markdown_0.5.2        MASS_7.3-19           memoise_0.1          
## [25] munsell_0.4           parallel_2.16.0       plyr_1.7.1           
## [28] preprocessCore_1.19.0 proto_0.3-9.2         RColorBrewer_1.0-5   
## [31] RCurl_1.95-0          reshape2_1.2.1        RSQLite_0.11.2       
## [34] scales_0.2.2          splines_2.16.0        stats4_2.16.0        
## [37] stringr_0.6.1         survival_2.36-14      tools_2.16.0         
## [40] XML_3.95-0            xtable_1.7-0          zlibbioc_1.3.0

[Package ggbio version 1.5.20 ]